Bio:Initiated in Forsyth Lodge #546 in Forsyth Missouri in 1974, have attended lodges around the world during 23 years of military service. Upon arriving in Fort Leavenworth, I joined Hancock Lodge #311 serving as its master in 2004 and again in 2009. I have served...
Bio (include personal/and masonic) PM Topeka #17 PM Orient #51 KYCH York Rite 33rd Degree AASR Past Valley Secretary AASR AMD Various other groups Presentation Names, description and length Has a good library and can put together just about anything for a...
Bio: Kyle G. Ferlemann is a 25 year Mason who has dedicated years to Masonic education, research, and esoteric study. He is a member and Past Master (2015) of Golden Rule Lodge #90 in Topeka Kansas. He served as a District Deputy Grand Master for District 16 of Area 6...
Bio: Right Worshipful Brother Alex G. Powers is an active fifth generation Freemason based out of Area nine, under the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas. He is a Past Master of Gardner Lodge No. 65 as well as the Lodge...