Historical Light – Illuminates Our Past

One of our brothers and fellow members of the Kansas Lodge of Research is doing his part to ignite the Masonic Explorer in all of us.  I recommend frequently checking Historical Light, a Masonic show devoted to illumination our past hosted by Brother Alex Powers,...

Annual Meeting Announced!

Kansas Lodge of Research will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at the Capitol Plaza Convention enter and Hotel in Topeka.   The meeting will commence at 3:00 pm, R:. W:. H. Wayne Rector presiding.  The meeting will immediately follow the Kansas...

Membership has its Privileges!

As we twist your arm (and your hand toward your wallet) remember that your membership dues have gone for the initial effort to electronically catalog the great holdings in our Kansas Masonic Library and Museum.  You can now view our Online Collection!  Your continued...

DOOZERDOO – 2018 Dues are Now Due

Greetings brothers!  The calendar has flipped to 2018 and the means your dues are due for KSLOR.  Those not current as of February 1st will no longer have access to the member area of the KSLOR site and may be dropped from distribution of meeting information. Your...

Did Leadership Academy 2017 Make the Grade?

The November 2017 Leadership Academy in Topeka boasted the largest turnout in its seven-year history.  Attendee feedback would lead you to believe that Masonic gold had been mined in Kansas.  Short of a death in the family, most would not miss these events; they are...