$10 Dues – “Ten bucks” Ten smackeroos.
As we twist your arm (and your hand toward your wallet) remember that your membership dues have gone for the initial effort to electronically catalog the great holdings in our Kansas Masonic Library and Museum. You can now view our Online Collection! Your continued membership is necessary so that the only portal remains funded and available as our archivist, Dylan Sweyko-Kuhlman, begins to gain speed (and volume) of our heritage, you’ll be able to peruse the collection online. Eventually, this effort will expand to collections and libraries in each lodge. This is a great way to catalog the history of achievement of our brothers both now and those who blazed the Masonic trails into Kansas even before Kansas became a state.
Your continued membership is vital to this effort. Give up that double-expresso-latte for one day and help preserve your Masonic heritage beyond your lifetime. Renew Now!
Picture of the Grand Lodge Library and Museum online.