Master Cancels September 9th Meeting

Master Cancels September 9th Meeting

Brothers The September meeting of the Kansas Lodge or Research has been cancelled for lack of attendance.  There were too many conflicts of various kinds.  The next meeting is planned for the Leadership Conference on the first weekend on November.  I will call those...

Mark Calendars for November 3 Meeting!

WM John Crary officially announced today that the next KSLOR meeting will be held at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Topeka on the evening of Friday, November 3, 2017.  This will be a dinner meeting held on the eve of the Leadership Academy being...

KSLOR Annual Communication Held

The Annual Communication of the Kansas Lodge of Research took place on March 16th, 2017 as part of the 3-days of activities surrounding the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kansas in Topeka, Kansas. After an address by M:. W:. Daren L. Kellerman, Past Grand...


The Annual Communication of the Kansas Lodge of Research will take place in the Pioneer Room, Maner Conference Center, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Topeka commencing at 3 pm, Thursday, March 16, 2017. Members.  Please log in and review the Consent Agenda for approval prior to...