The Annual Communication of the Kansas Lodge of Research took place on March 16th, 2017 as part of the 3-days of activities surrounding the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Kansas in Topeka, Kansas.

M:. W:. Daren Kellerman addresses Kansas Lodge of Research
After an address by M:. W:. Daren L. Kellerman, Past Grand Master, the lodge graciously voted to sponsor a featured guest speaker at the Midwest Conference of Grand Lodges/Masonic Education that will be taking place in Topeka 18/19 Aug 2017. This is an excellent opportunity for Kansas Masons to be a part of an event that rarely takes place in Kansas. Stay tuned for more details, but I’m told the event with our sponsored guest speaker will be open to all Kansas Masons with preference going to Kansas Lodge of Research members.

R:. W. Wayne Rector making the proposal for the discount books.
R:. W:. Bro. Wayne Rector presented a proposal from Macoy’s to sell books at a discount as a possibility. M:. W:. Michael Halleran, PGM, now works for Macoy’s and provided a discount offer to KSLOR officers. The lodge voted to refer this to committee to be investigated under the incoming KSLOR leadership.
Speaker’s Bureau reported that there were no dossiers turned in from Leadership Academy. We still need folks to sign up so we have available speakers.

R:. W:. John Crary, WM of KSLOR gives his inaugural address
Officers nominated and then elected for the ensuing year, although it can only loosely be called nominations, are as follows:
WM John Crary
SW Wayne Rector
JW Frank Keedy
TR Wayne Rollf
SY Jon Woodward
R:. W:. Bro. John Crary, newly elected WM of KSLOR addressed several initiatives he wants to pursue. Candidate Handbooks have been redrafted and he’d like to see these finalized and readied for distribution to replace the current handbooks given out for each degree. He wants to see Speakers Bureau gain some speed and will actively work to add dossiers to the available speakers on the web site. He was also fired up about enabling individual contributions to the Craft through Masonic Research/Publishing. He cited plenty of opportunities to support and grow the membership and capabilities of the lodge. He asked for membership engagement and set a workable trestle board for the Craft.

Spellbound crowd as R:. W:. John Crary, WM KSLOR, delivered his inaugural address.
- JNext meeting will be virtual. The meeting will by by conference call on June 18, 2017, 7 pm – 830 pm. Details on the call-in number is forthcoming.
- Saturday, September 9, 2017 there will be a face-to-face meeting in Wichita. Speaker/dinner TBD. We’re targeting the Scottish Rite facility with a catered meal. R:. W:. Wayne Rector is POC.
- June 18 19-2030 hours teleconference
- August 18-19 is the Midwest Conference of Grand Lodges/Masonic Education in Topeka. KSLOR dinner details are forthcoming.
- Nov 3 Friday of Leadership Academy with guest speaker – Topeka