Your Participation is worth $$$
What is the KSLOR Academic Credit?
The Academic Credit is a membership initiative put in place in 2016 to drive participation in the members of the Kansas Lodge of Research. The current dues rate for KSLOR is $50. This credit will earn you a $40 credit towards your following year’s dues resulting in your dues being only $10. If no dues are owed this credit holds no monetary value outside of its intended purpose of reducing your dues owed.
How do I get one?
The Academic Credit can be earned through the following means:
- *Writing and original Masonic research paper with the following guidelines:
- Must be a minimum of one page in length
- Must be on a topic related to Freemasonry
- Must be an original work of yours
- It must not have been previously submitted or published to any other body or group.
- Assisting the Grand Lodge of Kansas with verified archival work within the year.
- Work must be approved and verified by KSLOR through the Grand Secretary
- Participating in the KSLOR Lodge Archival Program.
- If your lodge successfully digitally archives and submits full lodge records to the KSLOR Research Database all KSLOR members of that lodge will earn an Academic Credit for that year.
- This Credit option is also available to KSLOR members residing in other Jurisdictions. If you submit your Lodge records for the database you will earn the Academic Credit however the KSLOR Lodge Archival Kit is only permitted for use in Kansas Lodges and cannot be shipped or taken for use in a lodge outside of the state of Kansas.
**The Academic Credit Application must be sumbitted by no later than December 31st to allow for reviewal time of all applicants before dues notices are issued in March.
*The Kansas Lodge of Research reserves rights to distribute or publish all submitted papers.
**The Academic Credit Application can be found by logging into the KSLOR website and looking under the “Member Portal” menu tab.