Everything you need to professionally archive your lodge…available Free to Kansas lodges
Photos only show so much. Imagine researching a lodge that no longer exists and instead of a photograph you can actually take a virtual walk through and explore details you never could before. The Kansas Lodge of Research is creating professional virtual tours of Kansas Lodges and important Masonic sites. Tours are made available in the members portal.
You see them everywhere now but KSLOR was among the original in thies trend. Join us for virtual sessions with renowned Masonic speakers from around the jurisdiction, nation, world in this live and interactive experience from the comfort of your home or mobile device.
Similar format to our famous Virtual Ed series, the Roundtable Series starts with the thought provoking topic and leaves the conversation to the group. Join us live as we have some deep edifying masonic discussion together.
Miss a session or a new member and want to see what you missed from past sessions? Not to worry, all of our virtual sessions are recorded and made available to members in our exclusive Video Vault.
No matter your level of interests, the esoteric division has got you covered with vetted material lists to keep you engaged and growing in your esoteric journey.
The Esoterics division has a key spot in the monthly newsletter in which we provide personal and practical application points to bring your studies into real life efforts to improve yourself and your spiritual connection.
The Kansas Lodge of Research fully supports and embraces the efforts of the Masonic Legacy Society and have included their format into the Esoterics Division. Join us for a session!
Find an in person speaker right here in our own jurisdiction through our Kansas Lodge of Research Speakers Bureau
Want a well know name to present in your lodge but cant afford to fly them in? KSLOR has teamed up with Masonic Instruction, a respected source for vetted Masonic Speakers willing to do a virtual presentation for you.
Interested in becoming a Masonic Speaker but need to refine your skills? You’ve come to the right place. We can get you set up with a speaking mentor to help get you where you need and want to be to captivate the lodge at your next presentation.
For the first time KSLOR is working on publishing a full account of our member transactions. Have a paper you want included? Get it in NOW for consideration so you can call yourself a published author.
KSLOR is bringing old Kansas publications back to life. Keep on the look out for details.
Have a full book that you would like to publish? We can help. KSLOR is now publishing Masonic materials and you could be next!